• Stand on the shoulders of giants

    Save years or trial and error - learn from those who have already been there and done it! 

    Join a local circle of financial advisers and work together to solve each others problems based on the collective experience of the group.

Solve problems together

Humans have evolved as a species by sharing knowledge and helping each other. This is called "collaborative learning". We don't need to try everything out ourselves by relying on the experiences of others to inform our decisions.

In this cumulative culture, by learning from the work of others, the group advances much faster than anyone ever could on their own. 

When running a financial advice business, you'll no doubt encounter problems which you can't quite figure out. You'll also most probably have multiple ideas to push your business forwards, but may be unsure of which way to go. You may have a decision to make but really value a second opinion from someone in a similar situation.

For all of this we've created Circles.

"Working with others speeds up your progress exponentially"

What are Circles?

Circles are a series of small groups, or Circles, of financial advisers who meet regularly to help solve each others issues. Most financial adviser firms are facing similar issues but often try and deal with them alone. By working together on issues, problems are solved much faster using the collective intelligence and experience of the group. Also, you're statistically way more likely to follow through on actions when you have someone to hold you accountable, which is why the groups meet regularly.

Groups are limited to 8 financial advisers and meet monthly to keep momentum.

You can either join a Local Circle, made up of advisers from your local area, or a Virtual Circle with advisers from all over the country.

Whatever your preference, you'll get insight, ideas, shared experience and practical advice from a circle of your peers, helping to transform your business.

Choose your Circle

Local Circles are made up from advisers in your geographic region to enable a quarterly meet up as well as monthly online meetings. 

Virtual Circles just meet online, combining advisers from all over the country. 

We also try to have an annual get together all our Cirles (circumstances permitting) once a year.

Local Circle

  • Monthly online meetings
  • Quarterly face-to-face meetings
  • Annual meet up

Virtual Circle

  • Monthly online meetings
  • Annual meet up

This is the sign you've been waiting for!

Join a Circle today to turn questions into answers and put plans into action